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Orchestrating Innovation: Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar, Director of the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin, to Moderate our Case Studies from Other Fields

Let’s bring in new perspectives at the Common Good Cyber Workshop in Washington D.C. on February 26-27. We are thrilled to announce Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar as the moderator for our innovative session: Case Studies from Other Fields. This session aims to open new perspectives and solutions by exploring successful sustainable business models from diverse sectors, such as global health, combating human trafficking, and addressing housing challenges.

About Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar

Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar is a distinguished figure known for her expertise in cybersecurity and international relations. Heli has played key roles in shaping policies and strategies at the intersection of technology and global affairs. Prior to leading the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin, she was Ambassador at Large for Cyber Diplomacy and Director General of the Cyber Diplomacy Department at the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and worked in several roles involving cyber policies and diplomacy at NATO HQ International Staff, the European External Action Service and the Estonian Ministry of Defense. During her years of service, Heli introduced cyber security as a separate topic to the United Nations Security Council in the context of preserving international security and peace, initiated and led negotiations on the 2013 and 2017 EU Cybersecurity Strategies, and prepared the first whole-of-government national cyber security strategy in the world. Heli’s vast experience and visionary approach will facilitate the exploration of case studies from other fields. 

Case Studies from Other Fields: Opening New Perspectives and Solutions 

The afternoon session promises to be an innovative exploration of successful business models that have thrived in sectors beyond cybersecurity. Our panelists will delve into case studies from diverse fields, including the Global Fund for health, initiatives combating human trafficking, and solutions addressing housing challenges. By drawing parallels and extracting valuable insights, this session aims to stimulate creative thinking and inspire innovative solutions about sustainable funding models within the cybersecurity realm.

Event Details

Date: February 26-27

Location: National Press Club, Washington D.C.

The “case studies from other fields” panel will take place on February 26th from 1:45 to 2:30pm and will be livestreamed. Sign-up for more agenda updates and submit interest to attend the workshop here

About Common Good Cyber 

Common Good Cyber is a global initiative with the goal of identifying sustainable models for supporting groups, organizations, and individuals involved in critical cybersecurity functions for the broader Internet community.

The Internet powers our global life, but its security is at stake. To ensure a safe and lasting digital future, we need to support those tirelessly safeguarding it. From fortifying infrastructure to empowering users, join us in understanding, appreciating, and sustaining the cybersecurity efforts that keep our online world secure for all.

The Global Cyber Alliance is coordinating Common Good Cyber as part of its commitment to Cyber Civil Defense, a coalition dedicated to moving the whole of society forward in ensuring cybersecurity.

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