
Who We Are

What is Common Good Cyber

Common Good Cyber is a global initiative with the goal of identifying and implementing innovative models for sustaining groups, organizations, and individuals involved in critical cybersecurity functions for the broader Internet community.

Project Timeline

Who is Involved

Common Good Cyber is implemented by a secretariat composed of leading cybersecurity nonprofits. The Global Cyber Alliance chairs the secretariat. Decisions are made by substantial consensus and all members support the initiative and may seek support for their efforts. Membership may change over time.

Secretariat companies:

  • Global Cyber Alliance
  • Cyber Threat Alliance
  • CyberPeace Institute
  • Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST)
  • Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) 
  • Institute for Security & Technology
  • Shadowserver Foundation

Team Members

The core team of experts actively involved in steering the work:

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