Common Good Cyber Track Session
at RSA Conference 2024
Current investments do not adequately support Internet-enabled social and economic progress for everyone. Internet resilience depends on the voluntary contributions of many people, and the resources supporting resilience are razor-thin. What can be done to institutionalize support for common good cybersecurity – to build adequate funding into law and policy, business processes, and government?
Moderator: Phil Reitinger, Global Cyber Alliance
Camille Stewart, The White House
Craig Newmark, Craig Newmark Philanthropies
Megan Stifel, Institute for Security and Technology
Michael Lashlee, Mastercard

Consider the positive impact if every funding entity were to allocate just a 1% increase in their grants towards cybersecurity. Common Good Cyber is leading the charge to collectively operationalize this vision, ensuring a secure Internet for future generations.
Megan Stifel, Institute for Security and Technology